Baltimore City has three Arts & Entertainment (A&E) Districts: Bromo Seltzer, Highlandtown, and Station North. Artists or arts and entertainment enterprises may receive a 10-year property tax credit for renovated buildings that provide live-work space for artists and/or space for arts and entertainment enterprises. The property tax credit is prorated to reflect the proportion of a rehabbed building and only applies to improvements made to the property. Property owners renovating live-work spaces in an A&E district can contact the MD State Department of Assessments and Taxation to determine the building’s eligibility. Within 90 days following receipt of a tax assessment, property owners must file a tax credit application with the City’s Department of Finance. Property owners must annually re-certify that the building is being used in compliance with the property tax credit.
This incentive may be used in addition to other incentives.
For More Information
Baltimore City Department of Finance 454 City Hall Baltimore, MD 21202 (410) 396-3971